• NeurOptimal® represents the cutting-edge of neuro-technology today and is the worlds first and only dynamical non-linear system. Developed by Clinical Psychologists Drs. Valdeane and Susan Brown, this innovative form of neurofeedback differs from other linear systems as it is effortless, enjoyable, relaxing and is 100% non-invasive.

    NeurOptimal® does not target specific symptoms but focuses on optimising overall brain function. Each brain is unique and knows the best way to “correct” itself for improved efficiency. NeurOptimal® simply provides the central nervous system with information about its own activity so the brain can naturally optimise itself.

  • Because Neurofeedback optimises your brain function for a better you. It assists in the healing of traumas, stresses, anxiety, depression in a matter of days or weeks. The results you can get with Neurofeedback in such a short time is priceless in the busy lives we lead today.

    Often clients turn to Neurofeedback when they've tried everything to find that NeurOptimal works and adds so many other benefits to their lives they didn't see possible.

  • Because everyone’s brain is different, it is not possible to predict how many sessions each person needs and this is also dependant on your personal goals. The most outstanding results occur from a commitment of 12+ sessions, however many clients report subtle and beneficial changes within a few sessions. This is what makes NeurOptimal® remarkable as you will know fairly quickly that it is working.

    Some clients decide after 8-12 sessions they feel enough positive changes in their lives and decide to stop or take a break from training however for someone that has experienced trauma, PTSD, ADHD, brain injury etc; 20+ sessions is a better estimate.

    At Mindfree Wellness we recommend starting your neurofeedback journey with our Free Your Mind package, which includes ten sessions of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback. For those wanting to transform their lives, consolidate their changes and make brain training a regular part of their wellness routine we offer a special rate to those that have completed the Free Your Mind package.

  • NeurOptimal® is a learning task, like learning to ride a bike or learning how to read: Once you know, you can’t “not know”, so the effects do remain with you. However, your brain is also living tissue, and it can get “knocked off” by challenges and stresses of our everyday lives. When this happens, one or two follow up sessions can help you get back on track to optimal performance again.

    Even when clients come back years later, the brain recognises the NeurOptimal® process and it can find its way back relatively quickly, in comparison to the first time you did training. If you did a fairly complete initial training and you have a major challenge in your life like, loss of a job or relationship, brain injury, illness etc. your brain can quickly and efficiently use the information it receives from NeurOptimal® to reorganise itself and “find its way back.”

  • No. Dynamic neurofeedback is different to other linear neurofeedback systems as it won’t push your brain in any direction and give it goals to achieve but relies on your brains natural ability to self-regulate, do it’s own re-organising and correcting.

    In addition, when you are training, no electricity, vibration or external signal is going into the brain. NeurOptimal® is effective and 100% safe, non-invasive and therefore free of unwanted side effects.

  • Yes, in 2018, the FDA approved NeurOptimal® neurofeedback as a General Wellness device as it is 100% safe and effective.


Neurofeedback helps to bring you back into balance and whatever is causing you stress, anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed, simply drops away. Brain training helps you bounce back quicker, builds resilience, a calmer, clearer and happier you develops, so you start functioning at your best in your daily life.

Practising Neurofeedback offers an alternate approach to health and wellness that is 100% non-invasive, safe, drug free and effective.