What is Neurofeedback?


Neurofeedback is an advanced neuro-technology that offers training to the brain that is mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system in order to reinforce healthy brain function. Neurofeedback enables your brains natural ability to self-regulate and do it’s own re-organising empowering your brain to function at its best.


Why use Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback helps to bring you back into balance and whatever is causing you stress, anxiety or feelings of being overwhelmed, simply drops away. Brain training helps you bounce back quicker, builds resilience, a calmer, clearer and happier you develops, so you start functioning at your best in your daily life.

Practising Neurofeedback offers an alternate approach to health and wellness that is 100% non-invasive, safe, drug free and effective. It assists in the healing of traumas in a matter of days or weeks. The results you can get with Neurofeedback in such a short time is priceless in the busy lives we lead today. 

Often clients turn to Neurofeedback when they've tried everything else to find that NeurOptimal works and adds so many other benefits to their lives they didn't see possible. 


What is Neurofeedback?


You can think of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback like holding a mirror up to your brain. Imagine you had not seen yourself in a mirror in a long time. Once you see your reflection you naturally start adjusting yourself, maybe standing a little taller, straightening up your hair and so on. The mirror provides the information you need to correct and adjust yourself. And so it is with the brain.

The system uses real-time EEG sensors, which detects brain activity that is less than ideal and mirrors these unhealthy brainwaves back to it self via audible cues so it can learn from the feedback and indicates to the central nervous system where self-correction is required. The brain decides to adjust or reorganise itself based on the signals NeurOptimal® provides and this happens 256 times per second.

It literally stimulates the brain’s natural ability to correct and heal itself so it can perform in a more optimal way. 

Watch the video to understand how NeurOptimal® works.

What happens in a sesssion?

You will sit in a comfortable chair and simply relax. Five sensors in total are secured to your head and ears. Two are applied to your scalp and ear clips to your ears. These sensors allow NeurOptimal® to read the delicate electrical activity of your brain.

Then as you are listening to relaxing music you may hear brief pauses and interruptions in the music indicating NeurOptimal® is at work and giving your brain feedback to make adjustments. These interruptions in the music invite your central nervous system to pull away from this less-than-ideal path and bring you back to the present moment.

Despite the complexity during the Neurofeedback session no effort is required from you at all! Simply relax and enjoy the 33minute session while your brain does all the work until it becomes your new normal and your brain functions more efficiently, effectively and comfortably. 

You will know when the session has finished as the music stops. You may feel immediately more relaxed, refreshed and clear headed after your session.