Kind words

  • I no longer get levels of extreme anxiety or stress. My mind is clearer and I have so much more confidence. I still get a little nervous about things like tests and exams but my stress levels have significantly decreased. The silly things that would have given me anxiety in the past don’t worry me anymore and instead I am able to live in the moment and take life as it comes. I used to beat myself up if something bad happened and I would think it was my fault however now my outlook on life is much more positive and I know life is a journey and things are always going to happen good and bad, but everything happens for a reason.

    I have noticed a dramatic change in my relationships with others as I have become more in touch, with myself, and the people around me. I can read my emotions and deal with them in a much healthier way and I can also read the emotions of the people around me a lot better. I’ve found my friends are coming to me when they want to talk or if they’d like advice on something.

    Brain training has changed me personally as I used to be tense and shy, I was not confident in myself and I was extremely self-conscious. Since brain training, I have learned to love myself and I am more confident, relaxed and outgoing. I find myself in situations now that I would’ve never thought I’d ever do. For example: If I’m in a situation with lots of people at a party or at a music gig I now love meeting new people and I have the confidence to start the conversation, have a dance, I just have more fun. I would never have done this before.

    I think of brain training like this – imagine you’re eating chocolate ice cream and you have accidently got it all over your face. You know it’s there, but most of the time you don’t know you have chocolate on your face, it isn’t until you look in the mirror and see where it is that you know to clean it up. It’s the same thing with your brain. Everyone has some chocolate on, their brain and some know it’s there but most of the time you have no idea. Brain training is like a mirror for your brain telling your brain where the chocolate is so that you can clean it up. It doesn’t push your brain to change it is just letting you know where the chocolate is so your brain can clean it up.


“Neurofeedback has helped me to be in the right headspace to have really productive days of studying, I think without Neurofeedback I would have procrastinated a lot more.

It has also helped me to concentrate, focus and not get too worried or stressed whilst in the exam, of course there were still nerves but they were a lot less than my previous year 10 exams when I didn't brain train.

Brain training has helped me to go into year 11 exams with less nerves and a more positive attitude, and I definitely think that has really helped my overall performance.”

-Lara, school student

"Neurofeedback has been a game-changer for my study exam prep. I'm less distracted, more focused and motivated. I used to stop and daydream if something got hard, I just get on with it now."

-School student

“Before Neurofeedback the exam pressure was intense now I feel more organised for my exams, my anxiety is way down and I'm calmer."

- School student

Neurofeedback is amazing. I was suffering with anxiety and brain fog. After a few sessions I was more focused and achieved so much more. I actually designed, repainted, and styled my back garden, not leaving it half finished!

Neurofeedback clears my mind and stops all the chatter in my brain. With regular sessions my mental health is great and I can keep focused on projects and creative elements in my life.

I absolutely recommend Neurofeedback with Nicky and I really look forward to the sessions with her and I feel so energised after.

-Helen Crowley

We came to see Nicky as my 15 year old daughter suffered anxiety and depression, in fact she lived and breathed it. The next step for my daughter was medication and thank goodness we tried Neurofeedback first.

I noticed drastic changes in my daughter through the training. I now have a confident, happy girl that no longer lets anxiety and depression control her. She controls it. Thanks Nicky can’t wait for our next session.

-Melissa Carter


I can’t thank Nicky enough. I’m feeling completely refreshed since starting my neurofeedback journey. I wasn’t quite feeling myself – I felt low, had brain-fog, was forgetful, confused about my hormones and my teenagers were challenging me.

Now, my mind feels clear, my memory has improved, I feel calm and wide awake, re-energised, balanced and so much happier. I no longer sweat the small stuff and I’m enjoying a renewed focus on myself rather than worrying about my teenagers’ all the time. It feels so good to laugh out loud genuinely and smile a real smile again.

-Lia Allen

 I introduced my daughters to Neurofeedback after they witnessed a traumatic incident. What an amazing and instant effect it had on both my girls.

Neurofeedback helped them to process and deal with their emotions and as a flow on effect they are much more connected with and aware of their emotions, creativity and mindset. My eldest daughter has become stronger, more intuitive and has found inner harmony.

Prior to Neurofeedback I was extremely anxious, overwhelmed, had difficulty focusing and suffered brain fog. Since having this amazing therapy, I am so much more relaxed, confident in my decision-making and have clarity. Life is just easier!

Thank you to my amazing friend Nicky for this life changing technology.             

-Linda Marissen

I decided to try NeurOptimal due a to a very stressful year. I was overwhelmed, anxious and suffered brain-fog all day everyday. What amazed me is I felt better quickly and immediately felt calm. I now rarely feel overwhelmed or anxious and brain-fog is gone.

Thank you Nicky, you’ve changed my life with this technology, you're warmth, care, expertise and understanding put me at ease and I can't thank you enough for this. I've grown in confidence with the clarity I have, I sleep better and I no longer suffer with mood swings. I've been telling everyone about you as I can't recommend you high enough. Neurofeedback is part of my life now. 


My name is Kerrie and my son Max underwent a course of Neurofeedback sessions to help with his Autism.

Firstly it is such a comfortable and relaxing environment Nicky provided for Max to undergo these sessions and he would love going every week. He would actually comment on how relaxed he was after the sessions, both of which he would not normally do.

I saw an increase in his social skills and confidence levels. He became more focused and less anxious, but more importantly it had a profound effect on his wellbeing.

We are going to continue maintaining some sessions and look forward to seeing his progress unfold.

Thank you Nicky, this is such an important service you provide.

-Kerrie Stewart